Definition of Gold plate

1. Noun. Tableware that is plated with gold.

Generic synonyms: Tableware
Derivative terms: Gold-plate, Goldplate

2. Verb. Plate with gold. "Goldplate a watch"
Exact synonyms: Gold-plate, Goldplate
Generic synonyms: Plate

3. Noun. A thin plating of gold on something.
Generic synonyms: Metal Plating, Plating
Derivative terms: Gold-plate, Goldplate

Definition of Gold plate

1. Noun. (&lit) a plate made of, or coloured gold ¹

2. Noun. a thin layer of gold applied to the surface of an object, often by an electrolytic method ¹

3. Verb. to apply gold plate to an object, to plate with gold ¹

4. Verb. (idiomatic of projects) to incorporate costly or otherwise excessive features or refinements unnecessarily, to over engineer ¹

5. Verb. (context: of laws, regulations, etc) to embellish, to extend beyond its intended scope, especially so as to become stifling, or rigid and inflexible ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Gold Plate

gold leaf
gold medal
gold medalist
gold medalists
gold medallist
gold medallists
gold medals
gold mine
gold miner
gold mines
gold number
gold of pleasure
gold panner
gold piece
gold pieces
gold plate
gold plated
gold plates
gold plating
gold radioisotopes
gold rush
gold rushes
gold sodium thiomalate
gold sodium thiosulfate
gold sol test
gold standard
gold standards
gold thioglucose
gold top

Literary usage of Gold plate

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Hall Marks on Gold & Silver Plate by William Chaffers (1905)
"From and after the passing of this Act, gold wedding rings shall be assayed and marked in like manner as gold plate not exempted is required by the statutes ..."

2. Schliemann's Excavations: An Archaeological and Historical Study by Karl Schuchhardt (1891)
"ox-HEAD OF OOLD PLATE FROM GRAVE iv (natural size). gold plate soldered together. The line of the solder can still be distinctly recognised, for one of the ..."

3. The Principles and practice of dentistry: Including Anatomy, Physiology by Chapin Aaron Harris, Philip H. Austen (1882)
"Especially is this neces- sincc the dental depots seldom keep on hand any gold plate finer »an eighteen carats. This we consider discreditable to the ..."

4. The Chemical News and Journal of Industrial ScienceChemistry (1894)
"After fifteen days the gold plate was dull from deposited gold. ... The gold plate became of a dull brown colour near where it had been in contact with the ..."

5. The Connoisseur by George Colman, B. Thornton (1904)
"The earliest remaining piece of old English gold plate, ecclesiastical or domestic, is the splendid gold chalice and paten given, with the magnificent ..."

6. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London by Royal Society (Great Britain) (1879)
"In a similar manner the means of the results got with the gold plate in water and carbon bisulphide were corrected, the final results being with red light. ..."

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